
Flow state
Flow state

Turning a dull jot into one that satisfies our need for novelty and achievement involves paying close attention to each step involved, and then asking: Is this step necessary? Can it be done better, faster, more efficiently? What additional steps could make my contribution more valuable? If, instead of spending a lot of effort trying to cut corners, one spent the same amount of attention trying to find ways to accomplish more on the job, one would enjoy working-more and probably be more successful. A supermarket clerk who pays genuine attention to customers, a physician concerned about the total well-being of patients, or a news reporter who considers truth at least as important as sensational interest when writing a story, can transform a routine job into one that makes a difference. “It’s helped us level up in a sense around different types of things in business,” says Tyrone.Short of making such a dramatic switch, there are many ways to make one's job produce flow. The proven business acceleration processes used during the 12-week Kōkiri programme have helped the team gain further business knowledge to help them on their journey. These are reoccurring expenses people are continually paying off, but it doesn’t show a lender that they are a reliable source to lend too.” “Part of our solution is looking at how we can simplify that but also how we can improve their credit history. They were telling us they don’t know which cards the payments are coming out of or when they have to pay them back.” Tyrone says, “We realised that many young adults have subscriptions such as Netflix, Spotify and memberships. STILL’s application has been developed to provide education and tools to help change the narratives around money and the relationship people have with money, particularly Māori and Pasifika between 22 – 26 years old. We thought, how can we put a fork in that situation?” During the hackathon, we realised that when the debt starts is when people come of age, when they turn 18 and can get a credit card or personal loan. Tyrone says, “A lot of people are suffering with vicious debt and that goes all the way to end of life. Tyrone had taken the idea of debt into the challenge as he had seen it was occurring for many of people he talked to through his podcast or the local entrepreneur business community he started.

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STILL was borne out of a local Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland) hackathon, Hack Tamaki, just two weeks prior to starting Kōkiri. STILL founder Tyrone is joined by his partner, Kamilla Witehira (Ngāti Kahungunu), as well as team member Naomi Taripo. Tyrone Tangata-Makiri (Ngāpuhi) is the catalyst behind an application designed to support young adults to manage their current financial situations and plan for their financial future through accountability, support, credit building and rewarding positive habits and the achievement of goals.Įarly stage fintech start-up STILL was selected to participate in Kōkiri 2021, the national kaupapa Māori business accelerator programme run by Te Wānanga of Aotearoa from its business and innovation hub, Te Ahikōmako – Centre of Māori Innovation & Entrepreneurship. How can we pivot our next generation of rangatahi away from the intergenerational cycle of vicious debt? A local start up believes the answer lies in the use of technology.

Flow state